January’s chapter meeting will be via Zoom due to concerns over COVID Omicron variant.
It’s winter in New England and Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River in Oswego county is top of mind. For this month’s chapter meeting, Scott Prindle of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, will present on this phenomenal watershed and Steelhead fishery.
Scott is an Aquatic Biologist for the Division of Fish and Wildlife with NYSDEC. He works out of the Region 7 Fisheries office located in Cortland, NY. He has been the Lake Ontario Biologist for the Region for 15+ years and is also responsible for the Salmon River Fishery in Oswego County as a whole. Additionally, he manages the Comprehensive Lake Ontario Tributary Angler Survey which occurs every third year.
In his capacity, he performs the biological sampling of the returning salmonids in the Salmon River as well as their natural reproduction levels. Additionally, he is responsible for the angler access program for the Region which includes angler easements, parking areas, and boat launches. He has also been heavily involved with the numerous habitat improvement and bank stabilization projects NYSDEC has completed and continue to work on.
Join us Wednesday the 19th for an educational presentation on this dynamic fishery.
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