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April Chapter Meeting via Zoom Communications Webinar

Tonight, April 15th at 7:00 pm, we will host a Zoom Video Conference as our April Chapter Meeting. Speaker Randy Walker, CVTU Board Member, will share slides, videos and accounts of his January trip with his son Ryan to enjoy summertime fly fishing in Patagonia during the North American winter.   

This Argentinian Chubut Province version of Montana fly fishing with Patagonia River Guides' Trevelin Lodge, included floats on the big tail water Rio Grande, the canyons and rapids of the Rio Corcovado, Arroyo Pescado spring creek in the desert, Lake Engano fishing for brook trout, and sight fishing in glacial waters of the Rio Rivadavia in Los Alerces National Park. Dry flies, hoppers with droppers and big streamer strip sets were all part of the trip in a geography that is both beautiful, vast, diverse and pristine.

We will be holding this "virtual" chapter meeting via the Zoom Communications platform. All you need to do to attend is click the meeting link below from your laptop/desktop computer, your tablet or your smartphone. Please try to be on-time or even a little early.

Meeting link:

Once you join the meeting you will be placed in the lobby, where the host will admit you. All attendees will be automatically muted to keep background noise to a minimum. We will have a few announcements at the beginning of the meeting and then the host will share Randy's presentation and turn the meeting over to Mr. Walker. 

Questions & answers will be handled via the "chat" or "raise hand" feature of Zoom. You will see these options at the bottom of your screen. Please understand that this will be our first Zoom meeting outside of the Board of Directors and the group of fly tyers that have been meeting each week. Be patient as we work through this. We hope that Zoom can become a useful tool for chapter engagement not only during these days, but into the future.

If you have any questions at all, you can email Mark McBeth at

Earlier Event: April 4
Pootatuck River Tree Planting