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Virtual Fly Tying via Zoom Communications

Tomorrow evening, Wednesday, April 22, we will hold a virtual fly tying session for all members and friends via the Zoom Communications web meeting platform. Many of you attended last week’s virtual chapter meeting, so you can expect the same experience. We will have a few of our members demonstrate flies that they have tied and fished with success. You can tie along if you like, tie your own patterns, or just watch, listen and learn.

If you haven’t used Zoom it’s pretty easy to get set up. You can use laptop/desktop, tablet or smartphone. Click the link below to connect to the meeting room at 7:00 pm. If you’re using Zoom for the first time you will need to download the app for your tablet or smartphone via the App Store or Google Play. On a Laptop/desktop simply follow the prompts . It’s best to join with computer audio for your sound. If you have a webcam, use it as the experience is better for all. Plus, we want to see you.

Vitrual Fly Tying Session Link;

The sessions guest tyers are Mark McBeth, Dave Shaw & Dave Surowiecki. Mark will demonstrate the “Hydropsyche Caddis Larva”, Dave Shaw will demonstrate his deadly “Triple Threat Tiny Nymph”, and Dave Surowiecki will demonstrate the “Red Dart”. We’ve included both recipes below, but you don’t need to have the exact materials.

Hydropsyche Caddis Larva

Hook = scud/emerger #12 (Firehole 317)

Thread = light olive

Weight = .015 lead free wire

Body = Caddis green dubbing (Ice or other)

Thorax/head = SLF black

Body case = Scud Shellback Clear

Rib = monofilament

Black & bright green Sharpie’s to color shellback

Triple Threat Tiny Nymph

Hook = Hanak 200 #14/#16 or similar wet fly hook

Thread = 70 denier UTC or 8/0 Uni or something fine in brownish color

Bead = Tungsten in copper color, 2.8 mm or similar

Tail = Wood Duck fibers

Body = Stripped peacock quill with translucent pearlescent mylar overwrapping (UTC Blue Halo similar to Flashabou)

Thorax = Bronze dubbing (or similar color)

Rib: copper wire (think very thin)

Hot Spot = Fl orange Glo Brite or hot orange tying thread.

Red Dart

Hook = Jig Hook - sizes 14 to 18.

Thread = 70 Denier - Red               

Bead = Slotted Tungsten Bead in gold or copper, sized to match hook

Tail = Red Soft Hackle Feathers, any red feather really                    

Weight = Lead Wire Spool

Abdomen = Ice Dub - Peacock                

Ribbing = Sulky Metallic Tinsel Opalescent or equivalent

Hackle = Brown soft hackle

Hot Spot = Ice Dub - UV Pink

This is a pattern demonstrated by Piotr Soltysik on his YouTube channel. You can view the video here.