Wednesday evening, April 22nd, brought CVTU members together for some virtual fly tying demonstrations by some of the chapters talented tyers. The sessions guest tyers were Dave Surowiecki, Mark McBeth snd Dave Shaw. The session drew more than 15 attendees, which was a great start to what should become a regular chapter event.
“Euro” Dave kicked off the demos by showcasing his go-to nymph, the “Red Dart”. This is a simple but very effective pattern introduced by Lance Egan. Dave tied his with some materials he found at Michael’s and Joanne’s, proving that craft stores often have the materials that meet your needs. For an in depth look at Dave’s Red Dart, here’s a link to video on Fly Fish Food’s YouTube channel; Red Dart.
Next up was Mark tying a Hydropsyche Caddis Larva that some call the “Green Rock Worm”. These green Caddis Larva are common in our north eastern rivers in the summer months. Fished as a dropper in a two-fly Euro rig, it can be very effective. Mark stole his pattern from Piotr Soltysik, who also has a great YouTube channel. You can view his video of the Hydropysche here.
Dave Shaw rounded out the demos with his “Triple Threat Tiny Nymph”. This one is the super secret weapon for “Shawman”, and while you may be able to duplicate it, you’ll have to work hard to meet Dave’s skill at catching trout with it.
After watching Mark’s demo, Paul Ingrassia tied this beauty!
All in all the session was a great success and chapter leadership is already planning for the next one. We want to showcase all of our great fly tyers who want to share their killer patterns. We have the tools and we have the talent to stay engaged now and into the future. Thanks to John Hildenbrand for setting up the session and to the “Daves” and Mark for their demonstrations.
Recipes for all 3 flies are listed below
Red Dart
Hook = Jig Hook - sizes 14 to 18.
Thread = 70 Denier - Red
Bead = Slotted Tungsten Bead in gold or copper, sized to match hook
Tail = Red Soft Hackle Feathers, any red feather really
Weight = Lead Wire Spool
Abdomen = Ice Dub - Peacock
Ribbing = Sulky Metallic Tinsel Opalescent or equivalent
Hackle = Brown soft hackle
Hot Spot = Ice Dub - UV Pink
Triple Threat Tiny Nymph
Hook = Hanak 200 #14/#16 or similar wet fly hook
Thread = 70 denier UTC or 8/0 Uni or something fine in brownish color
Bead = Tungsten in copper color, 2.8 mm or similar
Tail = Wood Duck fibers
Body = Stripped peacock quill with translucent pearlescent mylar overwrapping (UTC Blue Halo similar to Flashabou)
Thorax = Bronze dubbing (or similar color)
Rib: copper wire (think very thin)
Hot Spot = Fl orange Glo Brite or hot orange tying thread.
Hydropsyche Caddis Larva
Hook = scud/emerger #12 (Firehole 317)
Thread = light olive
Weight = .015 lead free wire
Body = Caddis green dubbing (Ice or other)
Thorax/head = SLF black
Body case = Scud Shellback Clear
Rib = monofilament
Black & bright green Sharpie’s to color shellback