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Included here is an overview of the results of our Chapter Meeting Survey. We had 38 respondents to the survey. We wish to thank all of you who answered the survey questions. Your input is valuable to us as we plan the future of CVTU. We closed the survey on Monday the 16th.
The results of the survey indicate that the majority respondents would like the meetings to restart with the option of broadcasting the meeting live via Zoom. This would accommodate members that wish not to attend in-person (21% of respondents).
The best weekday for holding the in-person meetings is Tuesday, based on a convincing 60.5% majority. Tuesday would allow us to meet at the Reverie Brewery in private. Brewery ownership has offered to open the Brewery, one Tuesday per month and provide a bartender for our meeting. We would have the Tasting Room to ourselves for our meetings which will keep noise and crowds to a minimum. We’ll still be able to bring in Pizza and soft drinks, but beer would be for purchase. Additionally, the brewery has the necessary infrastructure to allow for presentation projection and a Zoom broadcast.
There was no clear majority on minimum COVID19 requirements. However 52% of respondents selected either masks optional or no precautions. Restarting our in-person will require us to follow TU, local, and CDC COVID guidelines, and we will keep abreast of those guidelines and any changes that may come with restrictions to public gatherings. Our goal is to reenergize our chapter happenings while keeping all members safe.