"Black Friday" Stripers on the Housy

Black Friday is a great day to be on the water striper fishing and this year’s trip confirmed that yet again. The weather was perfect with low winds and warm temperatures. The warmer than usual water temperature held the main body of fish well down in the lower river all the way out into LI Sound.

The bait had been leaving the river all week while the stripers kept arriving in greater numbers. This intersection of gamefish and bait always results in good fishing. We all came across good numbers of fish and everyone was able to land at least a few striped bass. Largest fish of the day was Bill Bennet’s 33” striper taken on a soft plastic jig.

Bill Bennett with the fish of the day…

It was nice to share intel with other club members out there and the comradery between boats makes the day more enjoyable. The following club members shared the day together in 6 different boats:

Neil Baldino, Mike Fatse, Bob Mylnar, Joe Perrone, Ryan Knapp, Jon Forlenzo, Bill Bennet, Tony Ballato, John Hildenbrand, Evan Hildenbrand.

It was easy to social distance with 10 fisherman in 6 boats. Check out the pictures from the event on our gallery here.