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February Chapter Gathering with Paul Shafer

  • stony hill fire department (map)

Do we have healthy streams?

CT DEEP relies on a network of state-wide volunteers to sample our state waters and determine whether our streams are "healthy."  This is accomplished by gathering macro-invertebrates (nymphs and larval stages of insects) that are sensitive to pollution. These "canaries in the coal mine" reveal whether dissolved oxygen, temperature, and other variables are conducive to sustaining stream life (including trout).  CVTU has been monitoring our local streams as part of Connecticut's Riffle Bioassessment by Volunteers (RBV) program for many years. The pandemic, and poor stream conditions in 2020 through 2023 forced us to scale back our efforts, but 2024 was a good year to get back out on the streams.  With the extreme flooding this past August, we weren't sure what we would it was important to return to the streams!

Paul Shafer is our RBV coordinator and he will be providing an overview presentation of this important program, and CVTU's efforts and results in 2024. It promises to be an interesting and informative session for all.   You will be amazed to learn how many mayflies, caddis flies, stoneflies, and other invertebrates live in our local streams. As fly anglers, the better we understand the "bugs", the better the success we will experience!

CVTU also supports the Catherine Violet Hubbard Foundation's Butterfly Party in June and our involvement in that event, along with other community activities will also be discussed.

We hope you can join us!

Pizza and beverages at 7:00 pm followed by chapter business, 50/50 raffle and Paul’s presentation.