CVTU needs to postpone our Macroinvertebrate Samplng until next Saturday, September 30th, due to Tropical Storm Ophelia.
Deep Brook
CVTU has assisted CT DEEP with sampling the state’s rivers and streams for many years, to determine if the waters are “healthy”. One measure of cleanliness is the presence of macroinvertebrates in the stream. The number and variety of “most wanted” macroinvertebrate (mayfly, caddisfly, stonefly nymphs, etc.) along with other “bugs”, determine whether the water body is healthy. CVTU has a vested interest since healthy streams support trout populations. We gather and record our results and send the via samples to DEEP for their analysis and final determination. Results are eventually posted online. Besides CVTU, there are a number of other TU, educational, and NFP organizations who support DEEP in this effort across the state.
Just-in-time training will b provided before we depart for the streams on Saturday morning, and each team will be headed by an experienced and DEEP trained sampler.
In addition to supporting our conservation mission, this effort also supports our community outreach and educational goals. So please bring a friend, or a family member! It is an easy way to involve people who care about the environment, but are not necessarily interested in fishing. Everyone who has participated in the past has thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
When - Saturday , September 23, 8:30am until approximately 11:30am
Where - Meet at Dunkin Donuts @ Big Y Plaza in Newtown
What to Bring - Water bottle, tall boots or waders (2 people will be in shallow water). Hat, insect repellent, sunscreen, phone for pictures, and your intellectual curiosity. All sampling gear and equipment will be provided.
Questions - Contact Paul Shafer (203) 470-3510,
Rain Date - Sunday, September 24 (same time and location). Paul will reach out to all registrants via email in the event that the event needs to be rescheduled.