We bring people who care about coldwater fisheries together to protect, reconnect and restore the places they love to fish.
The best conservation results come from partnerships between landowners, agencies, non-profits, municipalities and other stakeholders.
Trout Unlimited works through our Science team and with multiple partners to identify and better protect these and other still-functional coldwater habitats.
Trout Unlimited works to restore flow and ecological function to trout and salmon rivers by reconnecting reaches that have been fragmented by dams, diversions, or other factors.
Restore great fisheries
A major component of Trout Unlimited’s conservation work is restoring coldwater habitat and fish populations that have been degraded.
Sustain our work
Trout Unlimited works hard to develop and support the next generation of angler-stewards and to share the joys and healing power of fishing and trout streams with military service veterans, youth, cancer survivors and other demographics who benefit from time spent in the company of a healthy trout stream.